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Enabling strategic planning and enhanced operational workflow in the
competitive media industry.

The Leading Solution for the Media Industry

One of the leading media organization having a revenue of USD 1.6 Billion, 5000+ employees and a presence in 3 continents, migrated to tussom saving USD 500K year on year.

tussom’s solution is customized to understand the unique challenges of the media industry, from production planning to fully capturing the task and team involved and tracking them with intelligent, automated workflows, improving time to market. tussom makes it all a breeze!

tussom for Media

tussom for the media industry is especially designed for bettering efficiency and collaboration, meeting clients’ expectations and to successfully manage aspects like daily project management, project assignments, and gaining client loyalty.

Inventory Management, Catalogue & Keep Track of Stock Controls & Costing Analysis

Production Planning to Fully Capture the Tasks & Teams Involved & Tracking them

Intelligent, Automated Workflow to Transform Your Media Operations

High Configurability of Service Catalogue

Global & Local Workflow Management

Improved Performance of Your Media Platform, Streamlining Workflows, Enabling Efficiencies, Enhancing Control & Promoting Innovation

Material Delivery & Deployment Tracking

Dynamic templates