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What happens when SLA is resumed after status is taken off hold?
When a ticket is put in 'On Hold' status, the SLA gets paused. The Support Agent may start working on it after some time by updating the status from 'On Hold' to 'In Progress'. When he does so, the SLA gets resumed and the computation is considered for the remaining SLA time.

For instance, imagine a ticket is created at 9 AM and has a Response SLA of 4 hours. If the ticket is put 'On Hold' at 10 AM for 5 hours (till 3 PM), the SLA gets resumed from 4 PM and does not get violated if the Support Agent resolves it within next 2 business hours. Note that if there are holidays or weekends, the computation of SLA is done based on business hours, i.e, non-business hours are NOT considered for computing SLA.
Best Regards
tussom Team

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